Email marketing: creating a call to action using the right words and stories

The most important part of any text marketing resource is the final section: the call to action.

From direct mail marketing all the way to the online world, the most effective sales pages and promotional emails are designed with a clear call to action, whether it is calling for people to buy their product, donate to their cause, or even simply visit their website.

Success as an email marketer is dependent on a lot of things. The call to action is both psychology and mathematics; marketers need to understand basic psychology and emotional actions to implement it, and then require mathematical analysis abilities to hone and test it.

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Viral marketing tips: get your campaigns off the ground with some psychology

Viral marketing is very different from many forms of online marketing. While pay-per-click advertising and email marketing rely on razor-sharp calculations and per-customer acquisition costs, viral marketing is much more dependent on psychological triggers and natural marketing methods.
Perhaps that is why it is rarely the most scientific marketers that make the most successful viral marketing campaigns. It is difficult to calculate the spread factor for viral marketing news, just as it is incredibly difficult for Hollywood to predict which movies will hit big and which won’t.

The internet has opened up the age of the unpredictable hit, and with some psychological effects it’s possible to give your viral marketing campaign a much greater chance of being that hit. 

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