Scott Hardigree’s email deliverability challenges in true Twitter-style

Scott Hardigree, CEO at indiemark Here is a second guest post from indiemark CEO Scott Hardigree, who joined us as a contributor. Scott seems to be more than an email marketing expert and knows about Twitter too.

His post sums up some email deliverability challenges in true Twitter-style. An original way to tackle the topic, Scott!

Read Scott’s small nuggets, in 140 characters of course, that encapsulate many of the email deliverability challenges marketers will face in twentyten!

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People spend more time on social media: 10 countries compared

End of last week, The Nielsen Company released some data on its nielsenwire regarding the global use of social media. Well, it’s not really global: Nielsen followed the evolutions in ten countries, to be precise.

For starters The Nielsen Company found that the global time that ‘users’ spend on social media sites has gone up with 82% on a year-to-year basis.

Now, this can be due to many reasons. One of them might be that more and more people are feeling lonely, looking for some sense of belonging on social media and that social networks replace the ‘real relationships’ that are getting increasingly lost in the modern society of fear and isolation. It can also be a sign that social media adoption is growing, becoming mainstream and mature.

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