Google Buzz after the buzz and before the release

By now, half the planet knows that yesterday evening Google has announced a new service, called Buzz. I wanted to cover it but unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day and this blogger went to bed instead.

Enough personal stuff. Now that the buzz about Google Buzz is a bit over, time to take a look at it. What does Google Buzz do?

Basically, it allows you to follow the updates of the people that you ‘follow’ in your GMail account and respond to them. But there’s more.

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comScore: new strategic focus of MySpace on entertainment seems to be successful

Earlier this week, comScore presented its “2009 U.S. Digital Year in Review’.

When summarizing 2009’s social networking trends, comScore writes that social networking continued to gain momentum in 2009.

And it will not be different this year. Time for some details.  As I wrote before comScore found that in December 2009 almost 4 out of 5 Internet users visited a social networking site.

Overall, social networking activity now accounts for 11% of all time spent online in the US, comScore says, adding that it’s “one of the most engaging activities across the Web”.

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