Be found on Twitter (or is it don’t be hacked?)

Well, I guess you were all invited by Twitter today via a pop-up window to be found via your email address.

When you click the blue question mark icon, you’re sent to this post on the Twitter Support forum regarding ‘contact discoverability’.

Is that really the purpose or is there more? I already got two DMs today from people that had their Twitter account hacked and had to create a new one. They did because they have no idea what to do if you want your account back.

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What’s the role of social networks in the consumer’s buying decisions?

In the past few months, much has been written about the role of social networking sites in creating brand awareness. Businesses, all over the world, have been made to believe that social networks may go a long way in creating demand for their products and services.

I believe that too. At least, if businesses have the right strategy and a clear focus on what the role of social media is in their overall brand and marketing strategy.

However, the statistics recently found by a survey conducted by the Opinion Research Corp. for ARAnet have a different story to tell. Disclaimer: I did not find the statistics on the web sites of one of these companies but on this blog

According to the post, of 14 different sources of information a customer may consider while making a purchase decision, social networks ranked much lower than personal networks (60%), TV broadcasts (40%) and search engines (39%).

If you are thinking that social networks may play a pivotal role as a preferred source of recommendation for products and services with young adults aged 25-34, think again. At least, according to these data.

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