Social media marketing: the SEO viewpoint

Thus far, many social media marketers, whether working for major companies or representing themselves, have focused on the direct value of social media.

From Twitter followers to Facebook fan pages, Ning communities to Delicious sharing groups, marketers have used quite a narrow focus to target people with direct offers, clear pitches, and sales-based initiatives.

Of course, social media is a wide and varied world, and using platforms for something as specific and single-purpose as direct sales only ever generates mediocre results. Social media marketing is about long-term relationships, remember?

While there have been countless examples of major social media sales success, there are many more potential examples of indirect social media marketing success.

One form of marketing that can benefit hugely from social media, however, is SEO.

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Tips for sharing multimedia on social networks

Social networks can be great for connecting with people and having conversations, but they’re even better when used as an in-depth multimedia sharing platform.

From videos to music, images to online games, there’s no end to the amount of media that can be shared through social media platforms and online communities.

However, a lot of users, particularly companies and commercial entities that are new to social media, don’t know how to share their videos and dynamic marketing materials properly. Online video can be a killer marketing format and mastering the art of video sharing can certainly help with conversions.

In this post you’ll discover some tips, and strategies that will help you share video, audio, and images more effectively online.

Enjoy boosted conversions, increased buzz and discussion, and a much more dynamic social media presence with dynamic multimedia as part of your social media platform.

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