Social media marketing mistake #2: social media are isolated communication channels

Do you have an active Twitter account? Is your business on Facebook? Cool. But it’s not the same as engaging in social media marketing. Social media are interconnected and so should your marketing be.

Use Twitter, Facebook, your blog, your email marketing and any other communication and interaction channel and let them strengthen each other. Today customers decide themselves how they want to be in touch with your business so offer them all the options you can and connect these various channels and media.

Your customers don’t limit themselves to just one medium either.

Consumer watchdog fears impact of social media marketing

UK consumer watchdog Consumer Focus fears that consumers might become the victims of the increasing attention of businesses for social media marketing.

Several reports show that social media are one the main priorities of marketers for 2010.

Setting up conversations on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and other social networking and micro-blogging platforms, and at the same time monitoring what is being said on these networks rank high in nearly all 2010 marketing outlooks.

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