Customer-centricity, multichannel marketing, relevant content and CRM 2.0: has anything changed?

When talking about social CRM with people, the first company that is mentioned often is It is weird to see how people link a topic such as social CRM immediately with a company or platform.

However, social CRM is much more than that. Yes, it is also about having a holistic and multichannel view on your customers and prospects. And, yes, it’s about social networks and CRM platforms too.

But most of all, at least according to me, it’s about a customer-centric mindset.

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IDC finds increasing use of social media tools in the enterprise

End of last week, IDC published the results of a study that looked at the impact of Web 2.0, social media, etc. on business and the way people work. The research company looked at the “intersection of Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0 and collaboration”.

The main finding, as IDC puts it: “Social business goes mainstream in the “enterprise”.

According to IDC the emergence of the social web has a significant impact on the way businesses work and interact with their customers, partners, etc. And all this implies significant changes in terms of company culture and processes.

The survey found that 57% of U.S. workers use social media business purposes, at least once a week.

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