Ryan Schoenefeld: a brief history of social media and the digital landscape


First it was MySpace. They dominated for years and eventually became isolated from assorted social environments that are more prevalent now. Not to mention, everyone who harnessed MySpace remembers having Tom as a friend.

Eventually the trend arguably withered and gave way to new applications such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare and Facebook, just to name a few.

These environments have seemingly remained relevant, despite the monopoly of social media sites that have recently gained traction.

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Will advancing technology destroy interpersonal communication?


I remember a more simple and un-embellished time, even unpretentious as far as I am concerned. A time when people weren’t constantly updating their Twitter accounts, communicating with their friends via Facebook, staring at a small screen with intrigue and arguably isolating themselves from the tangible world.

Personally, I cannot judge because I constantly fall into this trap and even find myself updating various social platforms simultaneously. Even though I continually use social media, I can still see the potential for digitalization to destroy the nature of interpersonal communication.

With individuals constantly expressing themselves through digital channels, will they even be able to connect with people on a personal level, aside from the barriers of digital concealment?

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