Developing a promotional strategy for B2B content: a 7-step framework

Framework B2B marketing consultant Michele Linn recently wrote a post on Savvy B2B Marketing with an interesting framework with seven steps and questions to answer to ensure that the promotional plan for your B2B content approach covers all key elements.

At Savvy B2B, we talk a lot about content creation, but content promotion is equally important.

When you want to promote your latest eBook, white paper or any other offer, there are two things to consider: where do you want to promote your offer and what message do you want to communicate?

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Simplify and focus: key questions for B2B content marketing

Simplify and focus. That’s been my mantra lately. When I joined Twitter and started blogging early last year, I felt like a sponge, wanting to consume as much as I could.

While I still love to learn and I read as much as I can, I also find myself really focusing on certain things while tuning out others things that may have caught my attention a few months ago. Your prospects are doing this, too.

So, as I was reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, I was struck by one of his conclusions.

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