The feeling of being involved and listened to: and what your business can learn from it

A few weeks ago my soulmate Jonas Klit Nielsen helped me out by writing about a press release I sent him. It was about a new Twitter tool, called

Jonas, enthusiastic as he is, started to test the tool right away and sent me back a review including his opinion. Not much later Sergio Tobon from commented on Jonas his remarks. He didn’t go defensive, he started explaining and asking input. Jonas and Sergio started a conversation via the comment features of this blog. Three things proven: the people at know what social media listening is, they know how to deal with criticism and they sure know what sharing and collaborating is. Jonas was impressed and found it a great lesson for other companies as you’ll read in the text he wrote about the experience below.

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The ROI of social media: a range of valuable opinions and insights

Recently, I wrote about the ROI of social media marketing. As you know, there are some misunderstandings and, to say the least, different opinions regarding this topic.

In the Social Marketing Forum, where I’m a member, some interesting opinions regarding the topic were posted when one of the members asked about the ROI of social media marketing.

I’m going to sum them up because it’s really interesting to have the opinions from different experts, with different backgrounds (performance marketing, social media management, B2B lead management marketing, web analytics, etc.). 

So, this will be the longest post ever on this blog, but it’s one you might want to print…

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