Jim Sterne: social media KPIs are dependent on the individual organization and its goals

Jim Sterne Earlier this year I interviewed Jim Sterne, a few weeks before the SES conference in London, where Jim was a keynote speaker (you can read the interview here). The purpose was that I would attend the event, but unfortunately I couldn’t make it.

However, I closely followed the event online and saw an interview with Jim by Byron Gordon on YouTube (you can watch it below). In the interview Jim announced that he was writing a new book, on measuring the business value of social media marketing. Good news, for me anyway. So I thought it was time for a new interview and asked Jim to give a sneak preview of his book. 

He was kind enough to send me much more than a sneak preview. However, let me start with the answers Jim gave to the questions I asked him, before sharing some takeaways from Jim’s book that will be published by John Wiley & Sons.

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Bill Gates goes social and throws in his influence for Haiti (and so should you)

Seems like Bill Gates has a real Twitter account now. Launched two days ago and already over 275,000 followers when I last checked.

Bill follows people to. Forty until now. Welcome to Twitterville, Bill (is the word Twitterville copyrighted, Shel?).

In his first post Bill (can I say Bill, Bill?) tweeted “Hello world” and some other things.

If you expect that Bill’s Twitter account is all about Microsoft, think again. He is talking about Haiti (and so should you because, even if you’re not Bill Gates or whatever; if you can convince one follower to donate – and of course donate yourself – you made a difference).

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