Interview: Jim Sterne on social media marketing; the customer is more visible now than ever!

Jim Sterne, keynote speaker at Search Engine Strategies 2010 Conference & Expo London From 15 until 19 February, London is the place to be for European search engine marketers and (interactive) marketers in general. For the eleventh year in a row, the city will then host the Search Engine Strategies 2010 Conference & Expo.

When looking at the program for this year’s edition you will find that social media, content and analytics play an import role, besides search engine marketing of course.

One of the keynote speakers at this year’s event is Jim Sterne, among many other things, Chairman of the Web Analytics Association.

I had the opportunity to interview Jim this week on social media, search and of course…analytics.

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Email marketing and video: should you use video in email and how?

Nowadays, email marketers get the advice to focus on relevant and share-worthy content. However, content does not have to be written. An image is content too. However, in email marketing written content is king and on top of that don’t we have to keep our emails, their content and their design simple, to the point, concise, focused and short?

On the other hand, I notice an increasing focus on using video in emails. Video is a rich and more sophisticated type of content. However, the web surfers are embracing it so why not include it in email? Some email marketers are using it, and if we can believe some recent data (see further) it works. However, it surely is not mainstream yet.

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