The different steps in a social media marketing campaign: an interview

Bart De Waele You probably know that I have been saying that email marketing, social media marketing and every other form of marketing you can imagine should be a part of an encompassing marketing strategy, enabling you to see the big picture (and the overall ROI), instead of focusing on the channels and media themselves.

Recently, I interviewed Bart De Waele. He’s a Belgian social media expert so you might have never heard about him before. However, his social media marketing and online reputation management company (one of his many ventures) is doing quite well.

I asked Bart to talk a bit about his views on social media marketing. 

For starters, I asked Bart what, according to him, the different steps are that should be taken in a social media marketing campaign.

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Why are social media marketing experts so obsessed with the letter “C”?

Social media marketing is not new. But now that the number of social media users is growing, a new generation of so-called experts is reinventing the wheel and coming up with great theories about a phenomenon that exists since many years.

What was once called word of mouth is now, well, many other things. The reason why there are so many “experts” is simple: companies are finally starting to wake up and often don’t have a clue, so they hire “experts”.

It has always been like that, especially in times where companies don’t take risks any more and prefer to let others solve their challenges, it’s about fear and responsibility. Yes, I admit, I don’t like people that brand themselves as experts very much. The same goes for companies that need experts and consultants for every little decision they have to make. “I like to move it, move it”. What ever happened to thinking and deciding yourself?

And right now I hate that “C” obsession that’s going on.

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