MillwardBrown and Cymfony team up to determine effects of share of voice across social media properties

Earlier this week, Millward Brown and its ‘digital unit’ Dynamic Logic sent out a press release announcing a partnership with Cymfony.

With the partnership the company will, and I quote, “integrate analysis of the millions of discussions occurring everyday on social media sites, blogs and message forums into their established suite of digital, media and marketing solutions”. 

The purpose is to enable brands to have a better view on their performance from the customer view point. 

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The role of email marketing in the social media day and age (part 2 of 2)

In the first post about the role of email marketing in the social media day and age, I wrote that email marketing is not only about customer satisfaction and will continue to be used for other purposes too.

So what are these other purposes email marketing will still be used for? Let us look at a few and see how they have changed in this social media day and age. I’m just running through them and adding some thoughts from a social media perspective now and then.

There is much more to say about each and everyone of them. That’s where I hope your comments come in. Let’s summarize them and please say what you think.

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