Twitter users are influential: more data

Earlier today I posted about some findings of Forrester Research regarding Twitter and marketing. Although the percentage of US online adults that post and read updates on Twitter is very modest, Forrester gives several reasons to tap this channel, although it’s small (in numbers).

One of the reasons: “Twitter users are influential and highly active in social applications.” This remembered me of other surveys I posted about a while ago, and I promised to look it up.

Well, here it is.

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Why, according to Forrester Research, you should use Twitter for marketing

Forrester Research released a new report on Twitter. Since I’m not rich, I can only tell you what’s in the executive summary.

So here goes: according to the report 8% of US online adults post and read updates on Twitter at least monthly, while another 4% read but don’t post. 

Seems like a small group of people, doesn’t it? Well, Forrester thinks you should, nevertheless, go ahead with your Twitter marketing (as I do, from a cross-channel perspective).

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