Reminder: don’t ignore feedback

Here is a reminder for email marketers and social media marketers, well in fact for all marketers. Why do I repeat it? Because it’s so crucial as something that happened today proved once again.

It’s simple but so often overlooked: listen to your customers, fans, recipients, whatever!
People care about how businesses treat them, they respect brands who help them, and they come back to businesses who listen to them.

Remember, in a social media marketing and word of mouth world, one happy customer could double in seconds.

Avoiding social media narcissism: tips for marketers

Friday I posted a quite provocative text on social media narcissism. Today, I would like to elaborate on social media narcissism.

Because for companies too it is a risk. And you don’t want to be known on social media as an egotic self-centered company or brand (or individual).

These tips should help curb, minimize, and perhaps even eliminate the effects of short-term thinking and narcissism in social media.

Put them to use on campaigns, personal profiles, or anything else you value in the very public world of social media.

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