Why spam (fortunately) doesn’t work on social media

For online professionals, definitions of spam can range from deviously loose to incredibly tight and specific. 

Some, particularly those in social media and new media, take a direct and anti-spam approach, branding almost every online commercial interaction and marketing campaign as ‘spam.’ 

Others, particularly marketers themselves, feel that spam is limited to unwanted email, direct marketing messages, and social media solicitations. 

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Social media marketing affects more than just marketing

Businesses are increasingly using social media networks for communication and advertising. So it makes much sense for businesses to integrate social media marketing into their normal advertising scheme. 

The social media marketing reality is not only entering areas such as email marketing but also PR, CRM, etc.

Many ESPs and CRM vendors have already included social media marketing integration. Many SaaS CRM systems, for instance, enable you to see the Twitter updates, Facebook updates, LinkedIn updates, etc. of your customers.

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