CheetahMail (Experian) further integrates email marketing and social media

Another provider of digital marketing solutions has chosen to go further on the path towards the integration of social media and email.

Experian Marketing Services has announced the “availability of extensive social media tools standard within its email application”. That email application of course is CheetahMail.

Now, didn’t CheetahMail have some social media possibilities already? Yes, it did: customers could use sharing tools, a.k.a. “Share With Your Network” or SWYN, Twitter features and Facebook features.

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Social media and CRM: the feedback, community and brand perspective

Do I need to say that social media is a phenomenon that impacts the life of many of us? Social technologies are still developing and social media marketing models are still evolving. This is certainly the case from a multi-channel marketing and CRM perspective

The convergence of social media and CRM, also called social CRM (and it’s not just about the tools), has opened new opportunities for building customer relationships and changing how customer service is practiced.

The CRM and social media convergence is a complex concept that has brought into question how customer service will be handled in the future as well as how CRM will be structured. Bringing social technologies and community-building programs together has the potential to be a profitable and effective marketing strategy.

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