State of search engine marketing report: social media tactics and ROI are key topics

The Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO) just released its latest report on the state of search engine marketing.

Reportedly, 1,472 responses were used to publish the findings in the report. One of the key findings in this report revealed just how powerful Google is as a search engine with 97% of the responding companies claiming that they paid to advertise via Google AdWords.

Google is well aware of this and the majority of responses concluded that they had to pay more for Google services than they did in 2009.

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Updated data from Nielsen on worldwide use of social networking sites

According to recently updated data from Nielsen, the amount of time that people from around the world spend on social networking web sites has increased by 2 hours per person each month from 2009.

The study asked participants in 10 major countries how long they spent each month on web sites like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Classmates Online. The average across the study concluded that each person spent around five and a half hours using such sites every month.

This included access both at home and at work.

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