How (and why) to follow people on Twitter

For many people and businesses, Twitter is about getting as much followers as you can. Well, it’s not: it’s about getting valuable followers but about following valuable Twitter users too.

It’s simple to use a software that allows you to find people based on keywords in their tweets, start following them and then hoping they will follow you too. Don’t do it.

It’s also easy to start tweeting and follow few people back. Should you follow everyone back? No. Because there are a lot of Twitter users following automatically or because they want to sell you stuff (if you want to buy it, then there is no problem, right?)

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Twitter buys Mixer Labs

While many of us were preparing to celebrate Christmas, Twitter silently announced it acquired a start-up.

The name of the company: Mixer Labs. The business: location tracking. The cash or whatever involved: unknown.

The start-up was founded by a few former Google employees that developed a Twitter app, called GeoAPI (“a comprehensive service for helping developers build geolocation-aware applications”) that allows Twitter users to show where they are when they tweet.

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