Email marketing deliverability: tips to circumvent spam filters

Emails, even with valid email addresses, often never reach the recipient’s inbox. Deliverability is a big issue for most email marketers. The percentage of emails that get stuck in spam filters, the filters of ISPs and other filters, varies. 

It depends of the quality of your email list, the number of email adresses and several other factors. 

According to an older study by Assurance Systems, on average 15% of all emails with a valid email address never reach the recipient. Knowing that every year more emails are sent, the struggle to reach the inbox becomes tougher.

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More email marketing tips

I have to admit that I did not know ‘newzap email marketing’ (based in the UK). But now I do since I discovered a presentation by them on slideshare.

Don’t expect rocket science but tips about the good old basic of email marketing and some more. Even a more experienced email marketer might discover something new or at least refresh his knowledge.

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