Tips to welcome, value and engage your email subscribers

Recently, I talked about the importance of seeing your email list as a collection of people instead of a collection of email addresses.

All this starts at the very beginning of the email relationships, when someone subscribes to your list. However, it’s an ongoing effort. 

Some tips.

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Help needed: let us build a worldwide list of email marketing service providers

I’m trying to build a list of Email marketing Service Providers or ESP from over the whole world. Now, I know it’s a crazy mission.

There are probably thousands. I will start with some, I know. But then comes the challenge: how will I ever complete this list?

That’s where I hope, you, dear visitor, come in. If you’re an email marketer or an ESP, from Bangladesh, the U.S., Indonesia, South-Africa or anywhere else in the world: comment on this page and I will gladly check the ESP and add it to my list.

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