Joseph Jaffe at MarketingSherpa’s Email Summit ’10: happy customers equal new customers

Joseph Jaffe, keynote speaker at MarketingSherpa's Email Summit '10 Today, Joseph Jaffe opened the second day at MarketingSherpa’s Email Summit ’10. It seems that Joseph’s keynote was quite a success, the last few hours the things he said were all over Twitter.


Our man in Miami followed Joseph Jaffe’s keynote, below you can read what he mailed me about it. Joseph Jaffe presented his new book and theory, called “Flip the funnel”.


Kenny, who runs Emailgarage, feels that the new theory is a bit like Frederick F. Reichheld’s customer loyalty but then with a social media marketing flavor. Since I first interviewed Joseph ages ago on his book “Life after the 30-second spot”, we met several times and besides being a nice bloke, he knows how to passionate an audience. Our man in Miami seemed excited too, but he tried to resume Joseph’s keynote in a few snapshots. Here they are:



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MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Summit 2010: a scientific approach on email marketing effectiveness

Marketingsherpa I don’t have to tell you that this week email marketers from all around the world are gathering in Miami for MarketingSherpa’s Email Marketing Summit 2010.

Miami will not be for me this year (maybe Germany?) but luckily I have my man on the spot.

He reports on the pre-workshop, that was hosted by MarketingExperiments, with Dr. Flint McGlaughlin as the keynote speaker. 

Here is what he reports.

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