Looking for fresh data regarding the impact of the number of links and the subject length on email marketing results

Brad, a visitor of my blog asked me where I found the data that I put in a blog post about how the message size, number of links and subject length affects the results in email marketing.

I had to answer him, I had no clue but that these data were probably around for some time now.

After some digging and “with a little help from my friends” (that’s also the title of a song, written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney and probably best known in the Joe Cocker version, but what am I talking about here?), I found the source.

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Scott Hardigree’s email deliverability challenges in true Twitter-style

Scott Hardigree, CEO at indiemark Here is a second guest post from indiemark CEO Scott Hardigree, who joined us as a contributor. Scott seems to be more than an email marketing expert and knows about Twitter too.

His post sums up some email deliverability challenges in true Twitter-style. An original way to tackle the topic, Scott!

Read Scott’s small nuggets, in 140 characters of course, that encapsulate many of the email deliverability challenges marketers will face in twentyten!

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