Tamara Gielen presents webinar on tactics to increase response to your email campaigns

Tamara Gielen I guess I don’t have to introduce my friend Tamara Gielen to the readers of this blog.

Besides being the founder of The Email Marketer’s Club, Tamara is an internationally sought after speaker and consultant on email marketing.

Recently, she has been speaking at the Email Evolution Conference in Miami and the Online Marketing Summit in London.

Next Tuesday Tamara hosts a webinar I will surely follow, and I invite you to do the same. Tamara will tackle 30 proven tactics to increase response to your email campaigns.

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Econsultancy: a bunch of email marketing data from the iStrategy 2010 conference

Remember that I wrote last month that UK-based Econsultancy had published a ‘Email Marketing Best Practice Guide’, written by Dave Chaffey, who said there was a lot of information in it about the integration of email and social media? 

Although Dave was kind enough to recommened my small blog as a good source regarding these topics in a post, called “Digital Marketing Predictions and recommendations for 2010”, I haven’t purchased the report yet. Will buy it soon. (Tip: to find the link to this blog in Dave’s post, find this part where he writes: “This is covered in depth in my new Econsultancy best practice guide, but for detailed coverage I recommend the social email marketing blog if you follow the link above.”)

To make it up a bit but also because it contains interesting data about lots of email marketing elements (ROI, etc.), I’ll post the presentation Econsultancy director Peter Abraham, well, presented a couple of weeks ago at the iStrategy 2010 conference.

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