The people at ExactTarget have just released a new white paper, called “Five resolutions every marketer must make in 2010”.
It is written by several people at the company and thus looks at email marketing tips from several viewpoints.
The paper contains more than the five email marketing tips it promises on the front page, I’ll try to talk about them next week. A quick overview.
A first resolution is making a shift from a selling proposition to a service proposition (“be helpful, not just social”). The second one is about engagement, something I’ve been talking about a lot.
Next comes the importance of treating your subscribers like real people, well, even like friends. Number four is all about subscriber-oriented email design and the last one is about getting back to the basics.
That subscriber-centric vision takes a central place in ExactTarget’s philosophy. Well, I guess it should be for every email marketer and email marketing company. In the end, it’s the same as customer-centricity, right?
Social email marketing, engagement and relevant, shareable content
When I sum it up like this it seems rather poor but, again, each of the five resolutions contains plenty of tips: there’s stuff on spam complaint rate, dealing with inactive subscribers, testing, shareable content, deliverability and a lot on social email marketing,.
Bottom-line: email marketing tips for every aspect of your email marketing program.
You can download the report here (after filling in the traditional web form).
If you don’t, stay tuned, I’ll try to talk about it next week (did I say that yet?).
Nice to know: ExactTarget is conducting ‘Twinterviews’ (as in Twitter + interviews) about some topics that are treated in the paper. You can read one in this ExactTarget blog post.
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