Silverpop on some key email marketing actions

It’s slideshare time again. End of last week Silverpop posted a presentation with some key email marketing actions for 2010.

After the ‘email is not dead’ intro (but as Silverpop says, ‘bad email marketing is on life support’), there are some interesting tips and strategies for email marketers to embrace.

There is a lot of focus on capturing and using the right data, on improving and enhancing the ‘welcome experience’ of the subscribers (I can’t stress the importance of this enough), on engagement, on personal communication and on ‘creating value through new message streams’.

No big theories, just plain and simple examples of what to do and what not to do, spiced with some data and insights. And most of all: email marketing as a more personal experience for the people behind the addresses in your list.

You can “watch” it below.

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