Social media monitoring news: Trackur offers free version

Know Trackur? It’s one of many social media monitoring tools. And it’s a paying one. Until now. Trackur just announced that it’s launching a free version on its blog.

The blog entry is short and simple: the company “is delighted” to launch Trackur Free and says it’s doing it to “help everyone monitor their brand/reputation, so now you don’t have an excuse”.

Have to check that out and see what features the free version offers. It will not be for today though. If anyone feels like testing, here’s the link.

Is it the best free social media monitoring tool around or is it a way for Trackur to get more customers?

Since, I quote again from the blog post: “Of course, if you find you need more saved searches or additional features, you can always upgrade to one of our affordable plans”.

Sales technique or truly great value for money (yes, I know, it’s free)? Let me know please and share your wisdom if you know better solutions that are free.

My experience with free tools until now: not enough possibilities if you want to get really seriously into social media marketing.

I hope Trackur will prove me wrong! And anyway, there sure is a market for it.

After all, you can get into social media marketing step by step and expand as you go (but plan ahead).

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