When you look for successful ways Twitter was used for marketing purposes, you often encounter the same cases and examples.
So I decided to start looking for real-life examples of Twitter success and not only the huge and well-known examples such as Dell and the likes.
Now, the best way to gather case studies, is to appeal to you, dear visitors! So please, if you know an example that is not known yet, reply to this post, add a link, whatever. Of course you can also DM me on Twitter, that seems obvious, or mail me at info[at]socialemailmarketing.eu.
Share your wisdom and know-how. Now, below is a slideshare of an example of Twitter success I never heard about – can’t even check if it’s correct 🙂
The presentation has been posted a while ago but who cares? Cases are cases, right?
The presentation was posted by Chris Wilson, who has an interesting blog, called The Marketing Fresh Peel. Now, Chris, I guess, is a guy like you and I (except if you’re a woman of course) and this makes the case even more interesting.
An explanation before you check the slideshare. I don’t have all the tiny little details.
So here is what I understand from the case. If I get it right, some people wanted to organize an event in Oklahoma City: a flash event, a social rave on a Tuesday afternoon, only promoted via Twitter, nothing else. Furthermore, only registered Twitter users could attend.
Now, what did they do? Well, basically, they built anticipation, and it seemed to work. The slideshare explains it. Check out the slideshare and please share your Twitter success cases, will do the same!
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